Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Rainy morning. Not the greatest for photography.

Pile of trash is now gone.  Where did it go?

Did some of it end up here? I think so.

Free scarf

Looks like one of the local knuckledraggers was here.  This is fun for some people.

Ooooo, fancy

Not sure what this is doing here. Most Marina Park drinkers do not bother using a glass let alone such a fancy one.   They drink it right out of the carton/bottle/can.

MV Puna at Thunder Bay Terminals

Stage being setup. Wake The Giant event this weekend.

Speakers. They would look good in my living room.  Of course I would need a more powerful amp than I have now.  Likely something very expensive.  I would then have to replace my windows after the new amp and these speakers blew them all to hell.   Better off not having them in my living room after all.

More picnic tables delivered.

Cleaned and painted last week.  Not done in the spring.  Nope. Done in September after the toilets are closed for the season.  Only because of the concert this weekend?

Trash cans painted last week. Not in the spring. Nope. Painted in September. Did the concert this weekend have anything to do with it?

Another building with Thunder Bay glass installed.  Looks good!

This person owns more stuff than I do.  Cushions?

Yes. Cost 10 cents and dispensed a glass bottle.  Imagine that.

The section of Park Avenue between Cumberland and Court Streets is now one way.  I expect Red River Road between Cumberland and Court Streets located one block north will also be one way. Red River Road will be eastbound while Park Avenue will be westbound.   Red River Road will have sewer and water lines replaced soon.  Major construction will require one lane closed for a few weeks .  Might be an issue with patio diners. Lots of dust. Lots of noise.



Just don’t block this driveway.

Feral recycle bags are becoming a common sight.

Siding going on Finnish Labour Temple additions.

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