The World – Natural COVID-19 Immunity Should Count

The COVID passport should include the people who have already been infected with SARS-2 and developed natural immunity.  For some reason, this large group of people are being ignored by our government and its medical ‘expert’ overlords.

Offer an antibody test to those people. If they have them, then they should have access to the same venues and businesses that vaccinated people have. They should be included in the passport.

In Canada, at this time, over 1.5 million people have developed COVID-19.    Of that 1.5 million, over 1.4 million recovered.  All of those people could have natural immunity. Likely there are many more who had SARS-2 and had no symptoms at all. Why can’t those people eat in restaurants and bars, go to movies, concerts or sporting events?  Their immunity is as good if not better than that provided by the ‘vaccines’.

Why? Because our government is too lazy to test these people for antibodies.   Or maybe there is another motive?  Maybe public safety is not the real agenda?

If the government and its medical ‘expert’ overlords are going to discriminate against a minority of its country’s population, then it might as well do it properly.

PS: Another option is offering rapid COVID-19 tests sooo people can prove they are not COVID-19 positive.  That way, everyone could participate in all social and entertainment programs. No?

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