Thunder Bay – Monday

Mask photo Trash in context Mask photo plus trash in context Plate looks like its still good Scarf weather is coming Tried something a little different A camper in Marina Park? Not open yet Picture on the bottle says apple juice.  But this is Marina Park.  The chances of it being filled with urine are … Read more

The World – U.S. Regulators Give Full Approval To Pfizer ‘Vaccine’

U.S. regulators give full approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine After already injecting it into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, do you really believe the FDA would have done anything else?  Imagine the fallout if the FDA refused to give Pfizer full approval. This FDA decision was never in doubt. Its political. It … Read more

The World – Masks For The ‘Vaccinated’

Not sure how long this video will be on YouTube. I will try and keep the link updated. Lots of health ‘experts’ now telling us that the ‘vaccines’ were never meant to keep people from getting infected with the SARS-2 or transmitting the SARS-2 virus. They were meant to keep people out of the hospital … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday


Wanted me to hang around and play. I think the cat was bored.

I thought that the Marina Park waterfront was cleaned up last weekend.

Trash in context

All finished except for the railings. Might be open next week?

New mural downtown north core Cooke Street

Not mine

Oooooo, it is real.  That is about the only thing that I know for sure about SARS-2 and COVID-19.  Will we ever know everything?  I doubt it.  Too much censorship.

Thought it was a shirt but turns out its a blanket

Still there. I wonder when it will be demolished?

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context About what? Do American visitors know how far 150 metres is? For some reason, I am seeing a large amount of mens’s underwear laying around. I have no idea why. Great Blue Heron Still selling water pistols?  I figured that the fact that they look like guns would not be PC today. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Repairing rail track ballast ? Not an uncommon sight in Thunder Bay Why leave this?  Is it broken? Yellow bag and and LCBO together. Coincidence? Still needs concrete on a section of the floor MV Jamno