The World – Direct Pipeline Access

Hmmm…..Apple has created direct pipeline access into every iPhone in the world.  They will be able to look at everything in that phone. All pictures, emails, texts, files….everything. All without your permission. In fact, you will not even be aware of it going on.  With whom does Apple share that information?   You will never know.  But its all good because, you know, child pornography.  We all hate child pornography.  You can trust corporations and governments. You can trust governments and corporations, can’t you? They have YOUR best interests in mind.

Too bad there is no such direct pipeline into humans and the human genome.  You know, governments and corporations being able to inject whatever chemical and/or drug they want directly into the human body. Directly into our blood streams.  Chemicals and drugs that do who knows what. Something that is mandatory.  People would have no choice. All for the good of humankind of course.  You can trust corporations and governments, can’t you? They always have YOUR best interests in mind.

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